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Figma To Code Report May 2023

· 8 min read
Philip Wee
Co-Founder, FireJet

Figma to code report May 2023


This article compares the most popular Figma to Code plugins in the market, and aims provides a comparison between each of them to help you decide which is the best for you depending on your requirements.

Note that this article was written by FireJet, and while we tried to remain as unbiased as possible, our opinions on code quality may differ from yours.

To get an unbiased overview of output code quality and output pixel perfection, use the interactive comparison to compare different outputs for yourself.

Interactive Comparison -->
Testing Methodology -->
Full Comparison Table -->
Raw Data -->

Full Comparison Table

Go to full breakdown

FireJetLocofyTeleportHQBuilder.ioQuestAnimaDhiwiseFigma To Code
Code quality (/5) Full Data->
Pixel perfection (/6)
Full Data->
User Experience (/5)
Full Data->
Price per month38USD - 2 week trial3 week beta trialFree - 1 projectFree58USD - 2 week trial39USDFreeFree
FrameworksReact, Vue, HTML, Raw JSONReact, HTML, Next, Gatsby, React NativeReact, HTML, Vue, Angular, Raw JSONReact, Gatsby, Next JSReact, NextReact, Vue, HTMLReact, Flutter, Andriod, iOSFlutter, HTML, SwiftUI
StylingCSS, TailwindCSS, CSS Modules, Tailwind, Inline styles,CSS, CSS Modules, Inline styles, Styled components, Styled JSX, React JSSCSS, Tailwind, Styled JSX, Styled components, EmotionStyled componentsCSSTailwindTailwind
Integrations-GitHub, AdobeXDGitHub, Vercel, Netlify, No-code builderHeadless CMSGitHub-No-code builder-

Interactive Comparison

Original DesignGenerated Render
Generated Code

Best Code Output (Tailwind)

🥇 1st place: FireJet
🥈 2nd place: Locofy
🥉 3rd place: Dhiwise

🥇 FireJet

Pixel Perfection Score :

/ 6

✨Code Quality Pros💀Code Quality Cons:
Components from Figma are preserved in codeText styles can be further segemented to reduce the number of leading-[normal] styles
Output code is in flexbox even when the figma design does not use autolayoutSometimes extra styles are not combined, such as border radii
Minimal repeated tailwind styles
Output design matches the original design the best
Single file output option if you don't wish to use components

🥈 Locofy

Pixel Perfection Score :

/ 6

✨Code Quality Pros💀Code Quality Cons:
Well structured code if original design follows strict guidelines from locofyOutput design does not match original well
If the original design does not use absolute layout, the final result will be absolute positioned (Unless using Locofy AI autofixer)
No Component support
Unable to convert 1/6 test cases

🥉 Dhiwise

Pixel Perfection Score :

/ 6

✨Code Quality Pros💀Code Quality Cons:
Good use of flexboxOutput design does not match original well
Unable to convert more complicated designs
Unable to convert 2/6 test cases
Missing certain parts of output

Best Code Output (CSS)

🥇 1st place: FireJet
🥈 2nd place: TeleportHQ
🥉 3rd place: Anima

🥇 FireJet

Pixel Perfection Score :

/ 6

✨Code Quality Pros💀Code Quality Cons:
Components from Figma are preserved in codeText styles can be further segemented to reduce the number of leading:normal styles
Output code is in flexbox even when the figma design does not use autolayoutSometimes extra styles are not combined
Output design matches the original figma design the best

🥈 TeleportHQ

Pixel Perfection Score :

/ 6

✨Code Quality Pros💀Code Quality Cons:
Good use of CSS variables to minimise repeat stylesComponents are not supported
Shared CSS classes for textIf the original design does not use absolute layout, the final result will be absolute positioned
For React output, uses dangerouslySetInnerHTML when not required
Outputted design does not match the original design well

🥉 Anima

Pixel Perfection Score :

/ 6

✨Code Quality Pros💀Code Quality Cons:
Components from Figma are preserved in codeAlot of props are passed for components (Sometimes 30+) which makes the code unreadable
Good use of flexboxUnable to export Groups
Shared CSS classes for textOutputted design does not match the original design well
Unable to convert 2 / 6 test cases

Best Features

🥇 1st place: Locofy
🥈 2nd place: Anima

🥇 Locofy

Locofy has the best features for further enhancing code outputs


  • Design Optimiser
  • Sync with GitHub
  • Direct deploy to github, netlify, vercel
  • UI library tagging (MUI, etc)
  • Use live storybook components

🥈 Anima

Anima has the second best features for further enhancing code outputs


  • Direct deploy to netlify, vercel, aws, firebase
  • UI library tagging (MUI, etc)
  • Use live storybook components

Best Free Plugins

🥇 1st place: TeleportHQ (CSS) / Locofy (Tailwind)
🥈 2nd place: Dhiwise

🥇 TeleportHQ (CSS) / Locofy (Tailwind)

See Best Code Output (CSS) and Best Code Output (Tailwind) for explanation

🥈 Dhiwise

See Best Code Output (CSS) and Best Code Output (Tailwind) for explanation

Testing Methodology

Test Cases

We tested 6 different figma designs and converted them to code using the various plugins. The tested designs are examples of real world designs used in actual applications

The designs selected also had complex styles applied to them in Figma, which makes converting these particular test cases particularly challenging for Figma-to-Code tools

You may get better results when converting simple designs/designs that are fully autolayout which is a requirement for several of the plugins tested.

However, we picked these designs in particular because real world designs tend to be harder to convert than toy examples.

Raw Test Case Data -->

Usability Scoring

Usability Scoring is a subjective comparison between how easy each Figma to Code plugin is to use. See the full rationale for the scoring here

Code Quality Scoring

Code quality scoring was done through a subjective comparison between different output codes given the same figma design.

Eventually we hope to let users rank which is their favourite code output to reduce the bias for the code scoring.

You can compare code quality yourself with the interactive comparison ->

Pixel Perfection Scoring

Pixel Perfection scoring was done by converting designs using each figma to code plugin, and rendering the output code to see how well it matched the original design.

Scores were awarded as follows:

0Unable to convert the design due to plugin limitation
0.25Output design is so different from original that coding from scratch would be easier
0.5Significant effort required to make output design match original
0.75Little effort required to make output design match original, mostly just single elements with incorrect styles
1Pixel Perfect outputs, no noticable differences

The results from each test case was scored and summed to give a final result out of 6

You can compare pixel perfection yourself with the interactive comparison -->

Try the 🔥FireJet plugin now!

Run the FireJet plugin in Figma as usual to try the new features.

As we try to continuously improve FireJet to meet your needs, we welcome any feedback or suggestions you might have. Your input is invaluable as we work hard to make FireJet the best Figma to code tool available. Get priority support on our Discord Community.

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